Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Still, I Smile


Stress. Headache.Pressure. 

I got all. I wanna leave all. I mean I WANT TO QUIT. But I JUST can't.
I have integrity and commitment. I have humanity. I care people. I don't want to be opportunist.
I sleep late at night and I have to wake up in early morning.
My mind can't stop thinking, I have alot to share... this stress, this headache, this pressure, this obligation.
Despite of this full activies (thesis writing, Law Christmast event, Economic Law Seminar, Bank of Indonesia events, Coaching time for MDC, Clinic Law, and College), I... still smile everyday.


I still have a reason to smile everyday. Like when I see people smile, I just can't hold myself to not smile back at them. I feel love everyday of my life.

Dad, if you just know. that. your daughter do all these things once in nearly deadline on December! If you know how busy I am to contact mostly official men, meet lecturers (for some events), make proposals, coach delegation of Law Debate until mid night, train MC for Christmas event, discuss events from my scholarship, still catch up some lessons, do exams. And I still have to finish my thesis undergraduate soon. Whal will you say huh?

Arrgh Dad I really wish I can finish this thesis soon. Really. So, I can see the sparkling in your eyes soon. But, I promise. I try hard. This year, I'll finish it. I hope this Egritha can do it and the universe supports me. In 3,2 years of my study, will I get the Bachelor of Law? Oh, the pressure!!

Still, I smile.


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