Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to prioritize?

"Egritha, which one should I prioritize: an event that demands just a little of my ability and duty or othet that needs a lot of my ability and duty?" a girl asked me.

"You should prioritize the very very first event that you decide to give all your ability and duty." I said.

There is no small or big duty. All actions need right responsibilty. How could God trust you for "things with bigger responsibility" if you just turned your back away when God let you handle "ordinary things"?
The point is remember whom you are serving for. Don't try to show off but down to earth. This is not about big or small duty. This is about DUTY.

Prioritize what you have taken first. Finish it well. And you can go for another.

NB: Some people who know me think that I am good at prioritize things. But no, I also had hard times, even I cried if I thought I couldn't make it. But one thing that keep me is I know what I am doing and I know whom I am serving.


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