It is only one day. But we talked a lot, discussed a lot, got a lot.
I found a debater who match with me. Firstly, I was not so sure of his ability. But then, I am not sure of myself being his partner. Hahaha. He's broad knowledge, great capability, high confident. He looks weird but he is very great.
Here are some points about his weirdness:
1. He is in batch 2012. He always smiles or laughs when I call him "bang-big brother". Silly! So I laugh too -__-
2. He delivered arguments which I wanted to deliver too. But, he communicated his more systematically than me. So, I was doubt to share mine and said, "ah maybe I am wrong!" AAA, how stupid am I! Luckily, he is kind and humble. He supported, "how can you say wrong before you told it!" -__-
3. He might think "Ough!" by being my partner in debate firstly. Huhu :( . I am not that bad actually. But for everyone that I don't know, I can't get familiar easily. -__-
4. He praised me a lot like, "ah you are so wise, dek-young sister!" or "you do have great arguments actually!" or "your statements are so scientific!"
5. After he knew me. He had another thoughts "Ah, this girl is just too shy but she is actually great!" (maybe he thought so, haha I hope)
6. He asked about my choices in choosing university and I was so shy that time. Shameful. And I asked where he came from after he did ask me first.
7. He is very welcome person. At last, he explained some cases that I did not get. And I understood it. But after later, I was too curious about his mind frame, so I asked about one motion and how he solved that problem. Ah, he answered it correctly! Why is? -__-
8. I asked about his GPA. Hahaha. Stupid question but I wanna know if he puts his attention to study. And he got a cumlaude-very great score!
9. He asked if I am in a Christians Association Students and I said yes. I asked him back, and he said he was there once but got out because of his busy schedule. Bad boy!
10. He always joked and made something funny.
This guy made something worth to memorized. I remembered that he said to another senior girl, "please pray for us to win, both of us! It shows that he is not egoist (while the juries judged debater one by one, not by the team). Finally, I am impressed!
Hey! It's been so long.
As some of you guys might have known that now I am in a law faculty, so it's barely to find some time to write here. And even if I had, I'd choose to watch new movies or sleep. Haha. So, still the main reason is I am kinda lazy to write. So, please pray that I will keep writing.
Hmm, my life here is more busy than the old I had. If I wanna be expert in law, I must read alot books, learn and solve cases alot and practice alot. Oh yes! one of the things that I want to improve is my debate skill, especially in some law cases. You know, general debate I used to join is like a common debate. But now, I am learning about debate with judicial view, so I need to know the basic law, legislative, and rules in society.
So, there is a debate club for law in my campus, named MDC. It's a very famous debate club for law students. And if you want to join it, you have to pass all the selection. This debate club usually open reicruitment once a year with fours selection (1: essay and presentation, 2: pro and contra argument and presentation, 3: debate in two round, 4: interview) you have to face. The reictruitment is open for every bacth 2013, 2012, 2011! Can you imagine that we must compete with our seniors too? Haha, but it is very interesting. So I join it! I am in the 3rd selection now. Lucky me huh?
By the way, I love being here. The lessons, lecturers, organizations, I just love them. I hope I can make an achievement here. Ah, wish me a luck. Especially for the club.
As some of you guys might have known that now I am in a law faculty, so it's barely to find some time to write here. And even if I had, I'd choose to watch new movies or sleep. Haha. So, still the main reason is I am kinda lazy to write. So, please pray that I will keep writing.
Hmm, my life here is more busy than the old I had. If I wanna be expert in law, I must read alot books, learn and solve cases alot and practice alot. Oh yes! one of the things that I want to improve is my debate skill, especially in some law cases. You know, general debate I used to join is like a common debate. But now, I am learning about debate with judicial view, so I need to know the basic law, legislative, and rules in society.
So, there is a debate club for law in my campus, named MDC. It's a very famous debate club for law students. And if you want to join it, you have to pass all the selection. This debate club usually open reicruitment once a year with fours selection (1: essay and presentation, 2: pro and contra argument and presentation, 3: debate in two round, 4: interview) you have to face. The reictruitment is open for every bacth 2013, 2012, 2011! Can you imagine that we must compete with our seniors too? Haha, but it is very interesting. So I join it! I am in the 3rd selection now. Lucky me huh?
By the way, I love being here. The lessons, lecturers, organizations, I just love them. I hope I can make an achievement here. Ah, wish me a luck. Especially for the club.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Dear one,
20 is a perfection.
Because 20 makes 19 perfect.
20 is a completion.
It is true that 20 completes 19.
20 is an improvement.
Yes, 20 improves 19.
You are 20th today. In this new age,
you will find a new environtment, new people, new experiences, and even new challenges.
All of those things will complete your view, understanding, and wisdom. Yes, by
facing it all, you will find another side of this life.
I know that I am two years younger than you, and it is not
decent for me to give you some advices. Because it is you who used to do it...
But, all I wanna say is... Life is not a race. Life is not about education and
carier. Life is not about relation. Life is not about gaining and achieving.
But life is also about joy. Life is a mercy. Life is about
giving. Life is about love. Because life is God’s gift for you.
In this 20th, it is deservedly that you give a
little time to look all the things sorrounding you. All that you have now, if you do
mean them, all of it are so precius. All you achive now is treasured by your
zeal and labor. And it is worth it! But every little pieces that you got is a
God’s blessings. So, do thank Him so often than before. Since, life is mostly
about grateful.
I thank God for his power and love that you were born to
this world, I praise Him for you and I are knowing each other. I glorify Him
for you being 20th today.
Our friendship is doing well although we are busier now. We
have less communicate and rarely contact each other. We wrote to each other,
and we replied to each other late, and at least conversation ends. Situation is
not wrong. And I don’t blame it. Because age follows progress. Sometimes I miss
you alot but I don’t have to tell it. It will help me to remind about good
things we ever had. Then, I realize that togetherness is so valuable.
You are 20th now and maybe life is
gonna be tougher than before. But, don’t leave joke. Don’t leave smile, Don’t
leave happiness. Because as long as you are happy, then I am allright. I always
believe that life treats you well because you are a very good person.
Keep being a good person...
Finally, I would like to greet you “ Happy Birthday! 20th!”
Blessing is around you forever...
Blessing is around you forever...
Egritha Tampubolon
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Decision: Pick up what you like most!
Posted by
egritha tampubolon
10:10 AM
Labels: education, english, experience, inspiration, motivation, my life
Labels: education, english, experience, inspiration, motivation, my life
I 'm sure you 'd rather pick your options than prescribed by others . But , believe me selecting it is not easy . If you are faced with option
A and option B.
A : An
old saloon car given by your
parents. This
a car they bought after retiring , which 15 years ago you really wanted.
B : A new car Mazda - Metro XVI gifted by your company that you achieve for your hardwork. This is a dream car of your family (husband/wife/children).
If you are
required to choose one of the options A or B , which one do
you choose ?
Choosing either A or B is good , it depends on the value you put on your choice. In other words , it depends on your tastes (which one you like ) .
Choosing either A or B is good , it depends on the value you put on your choice. In other words , it depends on your tastes (which one you like ) .
Thus something
happened to me, you can not judge me based on the option
I took. Because
who will
live in it is myself. I must have been thinking about it carefully, so I decided . Opportunity from an option which is not taken when I selected the other option will be gone , but will never be useless. Let the opportunity gone for something better!
It's Him, not me
Posted by
egritha tampubolon
9:27 AM
Labels: education, inspiration, motivation, religious
Labels: education, inspiration, motivation, religious
Adalah kebahagiaan yang
tiada taranya bila ku sadari bahwa aku bangun setiap pagi, bernafas, dan dalam
kondisi yang sehat. Bahkan ucapan terimakasih padaNya pun tidak mampu mewakili
rasa syukurku.
Suatu kali aku berpikir mengapa aku sekolah dan kuliah,
mengapa aku berprestasi, dan mengapa harus memiliki pekerjaan, harus memiliki
uang dan prestise, menghormati orang lain, menabung untuk masa depan, dan
melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan baik lainnya. Jawabanku adalah agar aku mampu
hidup. Hidup secara lahiriah. Hidup dengan baik di dunia fana karena
kebaikan-kebaikan yang ku perbuat. Tapi, pada akhirnya aku juga akan
meninggalkan dunia sebab tak ada yang kekal disini, di dunia. Hidup seperti itu
bukanlah yang aku harapkan.(Ayub 1:21) “Aku
dilahirkan tanpa apa-apa, dan aku akan mati tanpa apa-apa juga. TUHAN telah
memberikan dan TUHAN pula telah mengambil. Terpujilah nama-Nya!"
Merenung mengenai tujuanku di dunia ini membuatku
tersadar apa yang menjadi fokus utamaku. Tentulah Dia. Karena Dia yang
menciptakan aku, memelihara aku dan menjagai aku. Memuliakan namaNya adalah
tujuanku. Aku lahir, besar, belajar, bersekolah, kuliah, berprestasi,
berprofesi adalah untuk memuliakan namaNya, Yesus. (Mazmur 86:12) "Aku hendak bersyukur kepadaMu, ya
Tuhan, Allahku, dengan segenap hatiku, dan memuliakan namaMu untuk selama-lamanya." Bukan supaya aku
mencapai kesempurnaan dalam diriku, tetapi agar sempurnalah perbuatan tangan
Yesus dalam diriku. Sebab bukan karena semua kebajikan yang telah ku perbuat
maka aku bisa menuju Dia, tetapi karena Ia sendiri yang datang menyelamatkan
Setiap pagi begitu bangun dari tidur, aku melipat tangan
dan berbisik pada Yesus dalam doaku supaya Ia bekerja dalam setiap aktivitasku.
Yang ku mengerti kemudian, bahwa ini yang menjadi kekuatanku. Tak lain adalah Tuhan
“Aku milikNya dan aku membutuhkanNya”
Bila aku mengingat bahwa aku kepunyaanNya, maka bersukacitalah hatiku. (Roma 8:28) “Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia, yaitu bagi mereka yang terpanggil sesuai dengan rencana Allah.”
Bila aku mengingat bahwa aku kepunyaanNya, maka bersukacitalah hatiku. (Roma 8:28) “Kita tahu sekarang, bahwa Allah turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang mengasihi Dia, yaitu bagi mereka yang terpanggil sesuai dengan rencana Allah.”
Friday, August 9, 2013
Happy Eid Mubarak 2013 - 1434 H
Hello buddy!
Happy Eid Mubarak 1434 H to you all who celebrate it!
May you always be blessed wherever and whenever.
Happy Eid Mubarak 1434 H to you all who celebrate it!
May you always be blessed wherever and whenever.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Hey buddy! I love listening to this worship song tittled : IN CHRIST ALONE.
Not only Avalon (A famous worship singer) sang it, but also Owl City did!
It is so peaceful song even when it played with piano. This song reminds me about love of Christ and takes away my doubt in anything because I have Him and I belong to Him. It is his mercy that I am still here, live good, and have love in my heart. He is watching all the time and blessing nonstop. Thank youJesus, You are so so so much kind and I never have enough thank to You.
You guys can listen it here!
And here is the lyrics.
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all-in-all
Here in the love of Christ I stand
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Not only Avalon (A famous worship singer) sang it, but also Owl City did!
It is so peaceful song even when it played with piano. This song reminds me about love of Christ and takes away my doubt in anything because I have Him and I belong to Him. It is his mercy that I am still here, live good, and have love in my heart. He is watching all the time and blessing nonstop. Thank youJesus, You are so so so much kind and I never have enough thank to You.
You guys can listen it here!
And here is the lyrics.
In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all-in-all
Here in the love of Christ I stand
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
Friday, July 5, 2013
Hi buddy!
Last month I got two big good news.
First, my
little sister Cindy Amelia just accepted in her dream school. It is SMA PLUS
DEL (Senior High School Plus DEL) in Sibolangit. So, yep! She is gonna be in 10
grade. I am so happy of this good news, as SMA PLUS DEL is one of the best
school in our province North Sumatera. Its alumnus alway get accepted in the
best universities in Indonesia, and even some of them are now studying in U.K.
Being a student of SMA PLUS DEL, Cindy have to leave home, stay in a hostel which the school committee has provided. This is a program that must be held to train the students about dicipline, independent, and also responsibility. So, the rules must be quite strich also but yes, that is done for the next leaders of this country.
Although, I thought Cindy is so soon to leave home but I believe that it is the best thing for her. Because she will just focus on study and her ambitions. She will get accepted in the best public university easily, which I mean: University of Indonesia. And if she has a dream to study abroad, she will get a complete information and link there.
So, I am very pleasure for this happy news. I pray that God always lead her way and bless her anytime, anywhere.
Being a student of SMA PLUS DEL, Cindy have to leave home, stay in a hostel which the school committee has provided. This is a program that must be held to train the students about dicipline, independent, and also responsibility. So, the rules must be quite strich also but yes, that is done for the next leaders of this country.
Although, I thought Cindy is so soon to leave home but I believe that it is the best thing for her. Because she will just focus on study and her ambitions. She will get accepted in the best public university easily, which I mean: University of Indonesia. And if she has a dream to study abroad, she will get a complete information and link there.
So, I am very pleasure for this happy news. I pray that God always lead her way and bless her anytime, anywhere.
Well, that
was the first good news. And the second was about my best friend’s happiness
which is mine too. He was accepted in university with subject MBBS (Bachelor of
Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery). It was one of his dream, his goal... it was
what he really want. He did it!
One thing
that I know is he never stop fighting for what he wants and his efforts worth
it. I understand how hard he is trying, hoping, and praying. That’s why he
really deserve it, even more! I pray that he will always be blessed and shine
there. Other dreams of his will be true someday. He is a very good and kind-hearted boy, so he
will be a great doctor I think. You will, won’t you Majaz?
![]() |
A profession that best friend will be |
these two incredible news makes me feel so much happy. These are blessings from
God which is shown to people whom I love. And... it is amazing grace. Yes, it
is! These two people are humans whom I truly love because I have known them,
their efforts, their wishes, their kindness. So, I thank Lord for the precious
gifts He gave. May His love never stop sprinkling our life and making happiness
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