Monday, December 10, 2012



God, I am missing them...
And tonight, my tears dropped as they had done before in the previous day. :'( :'( :'(

I remember my days of yesteryear.
Now I realize how true that the old
times were precious times which never can be changed.
I've become a colleger now. I live alone in a dorm house.
Apparently there is no mom or dad who used to remind me to have dinner every night.
No longer mom screamed to wake me up in the morning.
Not longer the noise of quarrel Valen and cindy who fight pitched up to my room.
No longer my nosy friends whom I met every morning at school.
No longer sharing with with my friends in the class.
No longer screaming of Rinesha or fussy
Ida I heard.
No longer boasting Ira that we always laugh at.

I  just... (:

How I missed it all ... (:

            Ida, Lydia, Rinesha, Beby, Ira, Asri, Zannah, Brian, Robby, Hardy, Ella, Janrico, Firza, Eric, Trisna, Set, and everyone out there ... I miss you ... :(
My good friends abroad, Judith, Emily, Joe, Majaz, Brooklyn, and the others how are you? You never write me to me (:
Ida and Lydia, I miss when I saw your faces every morning for classes.
Rinesha, I miss you badly sis ...
Mom and dad, Valen and Cindy ... How much I miss you and love you ... I miss home ... :(
I miss mom mostly, Because she is the one who standing for me when I was down ...
I miss when we all are together, i
ncluding Weny also.
I am sorry I seldom call. I am pretty busy with my college, Organizations, and events here.
There is always a time that my heart feels so lonely ... You all are priceless ...
I love you. I love you. I love you.

I can not stop praying for you all. How much you mean to me. You are very influential for me ...

The Lord, Jesus Christ how good You are. My life must be designed in such beautiful way, so I got to know these great people. I'm really happy for having them. Thank you Lord. Let me be a blessing, be proudness, be a useful especially for my beloved parents. Amen...

Friday, November 16, 2012


Today 16-11-12

It's your birthday!

Hey there,

Today you turn to 19. Older. No, I am not going to kid you 'an old man' or something I called 'opung', still remember? I used to bully you with those words. Ah, yeah 'katroo' was including. You did not understand but it was funny to bother someone limited edition like you. We were too childish. We both still enjoyed the things.

Now, I just feel it is different. I do not know why. Is it because we are in university now? Or because something 'unexpected' happened? Or because we grow older and mature?
So, if the reasons were things I just mentioned above. I would prefer to stay 15. Because I do not wanna miss anything. I do not want miss your heavy advices, your jokes, your stories. It is like a medicine for ill person, believe me. I do not know if  'besties' is really exist. Besties does not mean that they are the best in my life. But they are just better and... special. They are special because they are pricious. They are thousands of advices. They are non stop caring. They are humble heart. They are you. Yes, you!

Hey there, I know something you expected, it did not work. You are dissapointed and sad. It is okay. But, please do not stay in the sadness so long. You deserve more than that. Wake up and look around. There are still many thing you can do out there. The key is just 'Do not ever give up'.
You have been trying so hard and giving efforts much. That is why, after all the things you gave, after the long journey you went through, do not stop. You can not! You have dreams, you belive it and you yourself make it come true.

You are a very very good person. Life must be so good to you. I believe it!
I pray today, that you are always in blessing. I wish that you can always shine so bright...

Unhappy period kid, happy birthday!
Happiness is within you forever...

Egritha Tampubolon

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trouble in Making Coments

hello buddy!

I have a problem here. I can not post any comments in any blogs and I can not reply your comments in my blog :(. Do you have any idea for this? I myself will try to find out and get the solution. But if you guys are so expert about this, please help me. I'd appriciate that. Thanks =)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Hello buddy!

It’s me Egritha. Don’t worry because I am writing this in my free time.

In the end of this last orientation, one of the senior (MC) announced on the stage about the winner of Resume Newspaper. She said that there were just 2 winners. So, I thought it would be hard for me. Because, like I told you before, there were 2 dominant students who used to talked in front of the people. 

Then, she announced, “I start from the 2nd winner... And the winner is... Ardo!!! We invite you to come to the stage, please...”

And the people were giving applause. Ah, see? “Ardo”  is the 2nd winner, then the 1st must be “XXX” said the people.

I told you above. Inside my heart, I critized this was not fair. I resumed the newspaper from 1 am until 4 am, I did it very hard. 

But, I did not blame myself, I did not blame anyone. Because I thought they (the juries) were smart end wise enough, the winners must be the real winners. 

And then, she again continued her speaking, “And... the 1st winner... WHO IS THE OWNER OF THIS CHAMPIONSHIP??? Girl or boy? Boy or girl?” she shouted like a mad one (sorry! Hehe)
Most of students and seniors replied, “BOY!!!” (like mad ones too! Lol)

She spoke, “And the 1st champion of Resume Newspaper is EGRITHA TAMPUBOLON! We welcome you to come in front of the stage, dear.”

I my self was surprised for this. I continously looked on my badge name, my name is Egritha, isn’t it? I was really haapy for this, even I smiled looked like a stupid person. Lol. I walked to the stage and stood there with the 2nd winner, Ardo.
The MC spoke, “Then, we invite the governor of Social and political Sciences Faculty to assign the rewards. Please give applause!!”
And the assigment of rewards (The rewards are Jacket of “KOMPAS” and sertificate of Orientation. Why didn’t they give us money? -_-) went so well, Ardo and I got any applause. 

Wow, that was my first time speaking in front of students of Social and Political Sciences. That was my first time speaking in college. That was my first time speaking for my 1st achievement of being a colleger. That was my first chance that God gave to engrave my feat. Thanks, Jesus!

I spoke in front of the people about “sense of crisis” related to comfort zone. Because in 2 days, I denied to do the task but when the crisis time came, in 4 hours, I did very well. And Ardo spoke about his hard working. He’s very fluent in speaking to public. Many friends were happy for us.
The next day, I went to campus for giving subjects paper called KRS. At the door, I met a girl then she said, “you’re the champion? Aren’t you?” I replied, “Sorry, what champion?” She replied “Resume. Resume. You are the person, aren’t you?” I said, “I don’t really understand!” She yelled, “Just say yes!!!”

Then, my friends asked me to come with them and get some snack. Then one of friends picked me up from campus by her motorbike. I didn’t know her and she didn’t know me. I just knew her name and so did she. We passed by and we met with her friends there, she stopped her motor and accosted them, “hey! Where are you going?” They talked for awhile then one of her friends shouted suddenly, “This is the 1st winner, isn’t she?” And her other friends said, “Yes, yes. That’s her!” “Ah, wrong person, girls.” I said. But, they kept talking about me and I was speecless, then I spoke, “Yes, that’s me, haha. Thanks!”

And for somedays, the same things always happened, like people recognized me while I didn’t know them, they called me, “Champion!”
“Hey, champion!” or “You are the winner, eh?” or “The number one” and so on and so on.

I tried to deny them but they already made me speechless.
You know what?
It’s like I am popular here. Haha.
But, I want to show them off my ability by good works. And it’s what God wants from me.

My Simple Rewards of Resume Newspaper 

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I wish everyone who writes his/her wishes in a paper, they will cross out it soon and the writing is not just a writing, because... all wishes come true... Just believe!

Saturday, August 25, 2012



She is still the way she is. Crazy.
All that stupid talks and ignorance, have not changed yet. And I like it. I do not know. For me, it was what it is, she does not have to pretend and be the other. I love her madness. She can eliminate the look on the faces of others grief. It does not matter if people say it's ridiculous. They just never enjoyed everything and get used to the rigid life. Keep being you! =)

Monday, August 20, 2012

I am a GIRL


"I am a girl; of course I have a built- in miss- o- meter."



Apparently there are many.
Not just me.Not just you. Not just him or her. There are many. 
Everyone is confused by their future? How they live their lives in the future or how they live well off?
Parents become the wind where they are able to play direction.
No. They will never be a litle wrong.
No. Instead of they do not know the way. 
Their  heart is  a faithful guide. 
But they doubted it. 
Now the time has become the deciding of what we should do and what we should not we do.

With Cousins

hello buddy!

Here I am posting some photos of my cousin which taken about 2 weeks ago. They are Reinhold Simanjuntak and Anggi Simanjuntak. Both are study in elementary school now.
Here they are:

APU scholarship

Hello Buddy!
                Ketika saya sedang beres-beres rak buku, saya mendapati ada berrkas yang masih disampuli dengan amplop pos putih. Telah disobek bagian atasnya, namun masih lengkap dengan bukti pengiriman dari Chetox Jakarta. Berkas tersebut adalah Formulir dan Panduan Beasiswa APU (Asia Pasific University).
                Dulu saya sangat terobsesi untuk belajar di luar negeri (sampai sekarang sih!). Dan Jepang merupakan salah satu dari target saya untuk menuntut ilmu. Sewaktu kelas XII awal semester VI, saya dihubungi oleh panitia APU dan dimintai alamat untuk pengiriman berkas beasiswa karena dulu saya pernah mendaftarkan email di salah satu website beasiswa tsbt. Ternyata setelah saya cek, beasiswa ini berupa beasiswa persenan. Jadi tergantung jenis beasiswa, untuk mengetahui biaya yang masih harus dibayar. Misalnya, beasiswa 1: 50%  bebas dari biaya kuliah dan seterusnya. Ada beasiswa FULL tapi tetap saja mahasiswa menanggung sendiri biaya transport dan kehidupan di Jepang. Proses seleksi hanya seleksi berkas nilai rapor, prestasi dan keaktifan berorganisasi (dinilai dari piagam dan sertifikat).  Dulu saya ragu untuk appy karena dana yang belum siap. Tapi ternyata setelah browsing, banyak mahasiswa luar negeri  di Jepang yang bersekolah dengan beasiswa parsial dan sebagian lagi ditanggung oleh mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak kaya loh, trus bagaimana mereka membayar uang kuliahnya? Nah ternyata lagi, mereka bukan hanya belajar disana. Mereka bekerja paruh waktu, ada yang kerja di restoran, cafe, toko dsb. Jadi merekabisa mencukupi kebutuhan sehari hari disana. Setelah di APU, ada banyak beasiswa yang ditawarkan baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Ada banyak!
                Untuk anda yang berencana mendaratkan kaki di Jepang, boleh juga mengikuti beasiswa ini. Usahakan agar dapat 100% beasiswa full, setelah itu anda tinggal mencari sponsor/program beasiswa lain yang mau membiayai biaya kseseharian anda. Kalaupun tidak dapat pada akhirnya, bisa ditinggalkan. Tapi ada baiknya mencoba lebih dulu! Ganbatte kudasai^^

Sebuah pengalaman lucu saya sewaktu saya beritahu beasiswa ini pada teman saya Janrico. Keesokan harinya, ia menemui saya.
Janrico: “Grith!”
Saya     : “Iya, apa Jan?”
Janrico: “Aku udah tahu info tentang A(baca: a) P(baca:p) U(baca:u) itu!!!
Saya    : “Haah? Mana gitu bacanya!”
Janrico:”Oh, sori salah ya. Iya, maksudku aku udah tahu info A(baca: ei) P(baca:pi) U (baca:yu) itu!!!
Saya    :”Ah, mana gitu bacanya!”
Janrico:”Jadi gimananya?”
Saya    :”APU(baca: apu).”
Janrico: (Mukul mukul saya)

Dia berusaha terlihat keren, modern dan up to date di depan saya tapi saya malah bersikap kampungan yang membuat dia melongo dan tertawa. Haha :D
FYI, He used to got the champion at school and now he is studying Mining and Petroleum Oil in ITB. And he is close enough to me and I am thankful for being his friend.

Happy Eid Mubarak!

hello buddy!

I know it is a bit late for saying this, but still, "HAPPY EID MUBARAK!" to you guys who celebrate it. :)
Wish all of the things going better and better and you all in excelent condition!


Monbukagakusho Scholarship


Halo Buddy,
                Sesuai dengan judul postingan saya kali ini, saya akan menceritakan sedikit pengalaman saya dalam mengikuti beasiswa Monbukagakusho atau yang biasa disebut beasiswa Monbusho.
                 Sebelumnya saya informasikan beasiswa Monbukagakusho adalah beasiswa yang dibiayai secara penuh oleh pemerintah Jepang, baik uang kuliah, transpor pp Indo-Jepang/Jepang-Indo, penginapan serta uang saku perbulannya (ps: nominal uang saku tidak pernah stabil dan kemungkinan menurun setiap tahunnya). Intinya, kita belajar di Negeri Samurai ini hanya bermodalkan kemampuan intelektual. Nah, beasiswa ini diadakan setiap tahunnya di setiap negara termasuk Indonesia. Ada 3 macam program beasiswanya yaitu S1, D3 dan D2. Untuk dapat memperolehnya, diwajibkan pada setiap peserta mengikuti 3 tahapan. Beberapa tahapannya yaitu:

1. Tahap Seleksi Berkas
                Pada tahap ini, peserta harus mengirim berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan oleh panitia penyeleksi. Diantaranya: nilai rapor semester VI dan Ijazah dengan syarat nilai rata-rata keduanya minimal 8,4 untuk program S1, untuk D3 dan D2 nilai yang diminta lebih rendah.  Peserta juga harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan benar dan jujur. Lalu dikirimkan ke kantor kedutaan terdekat dimana anda bersedia mengikuti ujian di kota yang telah ditentukan apabila terpilih. J

2. Tahap Seleksi Tulis
                Saya rasa mayoritas peserta Mombusho menilai bahwa tahap ini adalah bagian tersulitnya. Karena pada tahap ini dari ratusan peserta dari masing masing kota akan diambil sekitar 20-an orang. Maka yang lolos pada tahap ini adalah mereka yang benar-benar telah memiliki persiapan matang. Ujian yang diujikan adalah mata pelajaran sesuai bidang studi yang kita ambil. Misalnya, anda mengambil jurusan kedokteran, maka anda harus berlatih soal Math, English, Bio. Jika anda mengambil jurusan Teknik Sipil, selamat menghadapi Physics (Ps: semua soal diujikan dalam bahasa inggris). Semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan yang anda ambil, semakin tinggi pula tingkat kesulitan soal tersebut. Misalnya saja, soal yang diujikan pada program S1 lebih sulit diselesaikan daripada D3. Bahkan, ada soal Math program S1 yang materinya baru dipelajari pada saat kuliah nanti. Jadi segera persiapkan dengan matang. J

3.  Tahap Wawancara
                Apabila telah masuk pada tahap akhir ini, anda tidak perlu membolak balik buku lagi. Karena pada tahap ini, anda hanya perlu mempersiapkan mental dan fisik agar kelihatan fresh dihadapan pewawancara. Saya rasa sesuai pengalaman-pengalaman alumni yang lulus Monbusho, tahap ini tidak begitu mencekam. Persiapkan saja diri dan yakinkan pewawancara bahwa anda adalah orang yang mereka cari (ps: jangan menjawab pertanyaan berbelit-belit). O ya, setelah sampai di stage akhir ini, anda akan segera disibukkan dengan dokumen-dokumen dalam bahasa Inggris yang diminta Kedutaan. Karena itu, jangan mau lengah, justru mereka yang mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya sedetail mungkin akan direkrut. J

Baiklah, demikian yang tertera diatas adalah kurang lebih  informasi mengenai beasiswa Mobusho.
Tahun ini, 2012, saya sendiri ikut applied pada program S1. Persiapan saya belum begitu matang karena, sepenuhnya  saya fokuskan untuk SNMPTN. Anehnya, saya justru beharap lebih di Monbusho daripada PTN. Ketika bapak saya ngomong, “Kalau di Bandung, sekali setahunlah pulang ya Boru.” Saya malah berperasaan tidak enak, saya pikir saya akan homesick bila saya kuliah di Jawa. Namun ketika bapak saya tiba-tiba bilang, “Di Jepang nanti, tamatlah baru bisa pulang.” Saya dengan cepat menjawab, “Iya Pak, gak papa. Malah aku gak rindu pulang disana nanti.” Aneh ya?
                Waktu itu saya mengikuti ujian Monbusho bertepatan dengan tanggal jadwal pendaftaran ulang mahasiswa SNMPTN tulis di sebagian besar PTN, tanggal 16 Juli. Saat itu saya langsung berpikir, “Mungkinkah Tuhan ingin saya lulus di Jepang daripada lulus di universitas negeri Indonesia?” Haha... Pikiran yang aneh karena saat itu kondisi mental saya dalam ujian memang tidak baik. Dalam waktu 3 hari mempersiapkan diri setelah dipanggil Konsulat, saya menjawab soal dengan persiapan seadanya. Menururut saya, waktu itu Mtk nya tidak terlalu bermasalah, ada 10 soal dalam bahasa Inggris yang diantaranya berupa aljabar sederhana, pertidaksamaan, lingkaran, geometri, dll. Soal tes Bahasa Inggrisnya yang cukup sulit. Saya dihadapkan dengan 50 soal lebih mungkin ya, berupa pencocokan kata yang bersinonim, pemilihan kalimat yang salah dan teks panjang. Harus banyak banyak berlatih vocab sebenarnya.
                Dari ratusan peserta di Medan hanya 2 orang kemarin yang lulus tes tahap II program S1, kebanyakan dari Jakarta. Mungkin lokasi ujian mempengaruhi kuota diterimanya calon mahasiswa, sebab Jakarta sebagai lokasi Kedutaan Jepang paling banyak terpilih pesertanya. Jadi kalau mau peluang lebih, ujianlah di Jakarta hehe. Tapi semua tergantung pada persiapan anda juga! Secara pribadi saya bersyukur bahwa diberi kesempatan oleh Tuhan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman hebat (Jadi saya tahu bagaimana medan tempurnya). Tahun lalu 2011, kakak saya mengikutinya dan dia tidak hadir pada tahap II karena sedang daftar ulang di PTN nya. Maka tahun 2012 ini, kami telah sama-sama mengikutinya lagi dan sama sama ujian. Toh juga saya ditempatkan Tuhan di PTN Indonesia tanpa perlu khawatir jadwal daftar ulang berkenaan dengan ujian Monbusho, haha.
                Maka bila berminat dari sekarang persiapkanlah khususnya bagi pelajar kelas XII yang akan tamat di tahun 2013. Dan apabila anda bertanya, apakah saya akan mengikuti beasiswa ini tahun depan? Hm, maka saya akan menjawab, “Of course (if I am not busy with my duty in univ). Who wants to lose another chance?” See you in the next chance J Ganbatte kudasai ^^

Monday, August 6, 2012

About The Thing =)

hello buddy!

Ada banyak hal yang terjadi bulan yang lalu, beberapa adalah peristiwa buruk dan beberapa lagi adalah peristiwa yang cukup melegakan. Dari postingan2 saya sebelumnya, tentu kalian sudah dapat menerka bahwa ada sesuatu yang begitu saya harapkan. Ya, hanya satu hal tersebut, lulus di PTN (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) lewat jalur SNMPTN. Saya begitu banyak berharap agar mimpi itu bisa menjadi kenyataan. Tapi, Tuhan belum mengizinkan. Saya kecewa, marah, kesal dan berduka bukan main. Dulu, sebelum SNMPTN bahkan sebelum intensif dimulai, saya sudah memiliki target untuk kuliah di PTN di Bandung, tentu saja dengan jurusan yang saya senangi. Singkat kata, “Pokoknya saya harus kuliah di Jawa.” Karena itu saya memilih salah satu PTN di UNPAD, Bandung . Sedangkan pilihan saya di Medan, Sumatera hanya USU dengan jurusan yang pg  dan peminatnya paling tinggi. Sudah bisa ditebaklah jurusan tersebut apa. Jika jatuh terpeleset  itu sakit dan memalukan, maka keadaan seperti ini  saya deskripsikan bagai jatuh terpeleset.  
                Saya agak menyesal karena kemarin2 saya tidak daftar simak ui. Kalau saja saya daftar dan ikuti ujiannya, maka saya akan punya peluang untuk masuk di PTN. Karena, sudah banyak ujian yang terlewatkan (SIMAK, PLN dll ) oleh saya yang hanya berharap di SNMPTN, maka saya memutuskan untuk mengikuti ujian yang memungkinkan saya masuk ke perguruan tinggi negeri dengan biaya yang masih bisa dijangkau.
                Di antaranya saya mengikuti UMPN (Ujian Masuk Politeknik Negeri) dan UMB. Pada kedua ujian tersebut saya memilih program reguler yang biayanya sama seperti SNMPTN tertulis. Pada UMPN, saya pilih kelas reguler pagi yang biaya keteknikannya sekitar Rp.800-an/semester. Pada UMB, saya pilih program reguler juga yang biayanya sekitar Rp. 1 jt-an/semester. Namun masing2 program reguler tantangannya lebih berat sebab yang diambil hanya sekitar  15 orang (UMPN) dan sekitar 20 orang (UMB). Ditambah lagi, pada UMB pilihan jurusannya terbatas untuk program reguler. Jurusan yang diminati seperti FK, Akuntansi, Ekonomi, Manajemen hanya ada untuk program Mandiri. Saya sendiri sempat kecewa juga, apakah orang2 kaya saja yang bisa sekolah?  Kasihan kan tes masuknya ketat banget untuk program reguler yang diterima sedikit, tapi di program Mandiri daya tampung segudang. O ya, Sebelumnya saya juga mengikuti SMUP-UNPAD, lagi2 karena begitu inginnya saya kuliah di universitas tersebut, saya memilih jurusan HI dan Akuntansi/Ekonomi kalau tidak salah dengan uang sumbangan yang paling minim. Namun saya tidak lulus di SMUP-UNPAD dan tidak ada satupun teman2 saya di sekolah yang mencoba jurusan tersebut lulus. Kata sebagian teman2 saya kalau mengambil jurusan dimana peminat tidak begitu bejibun seperti, Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi, Komunikasi, dll yang daya tampungnya lumayan besar, peluangnnya lebih besar. Kata teman2 saya yang lain itu di urutkan dari nilai uang sumbangan terbesar. Entahlah... Saya memilih HI dan Akuntansi karena sesuai persetujuan orangtua saya, kalau uang sumbangannya sudah besar, maka ambil saja jurusan yang bagus+bonafit. Toh juga kan udah bayar mahal paling minim Rp. 35 jt.
                Nah, kemudian hasil dari UMPN pun keluar dan saya lulus (Puji Tuhan!). Saya diterima di Teknik Elektonika (Pagi) di Politeknik Medan. Ternyata saya salah jurusan, semula saya pikir Teknik Elektro itu ya Teknik Elektonika. Ternyata Elektro berbeda dengan Elektronika. Kalau Elektro, arus kuat dan yang berhubungan dengan listrik, nah ini jurusan yang bisa kerja di PLN, lowongannya banyak. Kalau Elektronika, arus lemah dan berhubungan dengan perangkat elektronik seperti komputer, TV, radio, dll, nah jurusan ini juga bagus dan lebih memungkinkan untuk berwirausaha. Namun walau bagaimanapun, kedua jurusan yang ada di Politeknik Negri Medan (Polmed) ini tetap saja D3, bukan S1. Jadi kalau saya berencana mengambil S1 harus eksistensi dulu (ujian lagi loh).   Beberapa minggu setelah pengumuman UMPN, hasil dari UMB sudah ada di internet. Lagi lagi saya lulus (Puji Tuhan!) di FISIP-Administrasi Negara Reguler USU.  Jadi saya sudah memutuskan untuk kuliah di USU mengambil jurusan Ad. Negara S1. Kebetulan kakak sepupu saya,  alumni  dari Administrasi Negar USU dan setahun setelah kelulusannya ia langsung lulus seleksi CPNS.  Sebenarnya sih masalah pekerjaan itu tergantung pribadinya masing2, “emas akan tetap emas walaupun di lumpur.” Begitu juga kita, mau sekolah/kuliah dimana pun entah itu di PTN/PTS/PTK/Politeknik/akademi, semuanya tergantung orangnya. Seperti kata bapak saya, “banyak insyiur di ITB yang pengangguran.” Banyak lulusan S3 yang mengantri kerja. Maka manfaatkan kesempatan sebaik mungkin. Bekerja dan berdoalah agar memperoleh kebaikan dalam hidup. =)

“The thing that we expected, sometimes doesn’t come true. We do not understand why and we will never understand. Because we do plan, but God decides. One thing you have to know is everything is beautiful in its time.”

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's getting closer!


The thing that I have been waiting for is getting closer. My hope, my wish and my prayer are for this thing comes true. So, I really really hope it will be true. Amen.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Give Thanks

This song (Lyrics and music by Henry Smith) has a wonderful lyrics and it remembering me about how great is life that God given.


Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks because
He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now let the weak say : I’m strong.
Let the poor say : I’m rich.
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks...

And the Bahasa Indonesia lyrics:

T’rima kasih ya Tuhan
T’rima kasih pada-Mu
atas kasih karunia Roh-Mu yang kudus
Yang lemah kini jadi perkasa
Yang miskin jadi kaya, berkat karya Tuhan atas kita.
Yang hina diangkat ke pangkuan-Nya
Yang sesat dis’lamatkan, berkat karya Tuhan atas kita.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homesickness (later) ?

There is something so consuming my days. But anxiety as the major. Longing. I miss it so. I'm no longer a 7-year-old girl, surrounded by her family and play until she get tired. I am now 17 years old and will eventually away from a family, learn, grow and find my own way. I'm aware of it. About me. About the people around me. About the situation. No one survived except a change itself and our love.



So great was their hope to me and every time I thought of it, I would cry. That's why I also keep hoping and praying that they would smile at that time, at the moment where I was waiting for him. Whatever it is, Lord ... I believe You show the way...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nice song (After school- Shampoo)

hello buddy!

I wanna share you a song of Korean Girl Band. This song is very famous nowdays on tv and internet. While I was listening this song, I just fell in it. The melody... the voice... the way they sing it... the video clip (Mv)... it is just sooo great! I was very interested with that song moreover about the lyrics (because it is written in Korean language), so I tried to find the meaning in english and.... I just wanna say BRAVO to AFTER SCHOOL as the singer of this song. The lyrics is not the usual words that we usually heard. It is fantastic!!!
I love it most for the piano! (Pianoooo <3 )

So if you want to see their clips here it is: (Enjoy!)


I want to be the shampoo on your hair
as I fall down the side
the thick scent of me be there
I want to embrace you
so if you ever loved some body else fragrance
you forget about them
in a world without aromas
I will keep you infatuated with me
If you for no no no reason
make me feel sad
I will make sure that your eyes sting
but if for no no no reason you make me happy
I will embrace your whole body
not letting even mirror see your reflection
I will cover you with white foam
I will embrace your whole body
making sure no one else can have you
I will cover you with me
you wont get rid of my scent
when i first saw you I never liked your scent
from now on forget every thing else
I only want you to be covered in my fragrance
untill you tell me you love me then our love will finally get an end
when you finally fall for me thats when even the seconds will be too long
tick tock you talk we talk and our time only keeps passing
I feel like my heart will explode I hate my self for this
If you for no no no reason
make me feel sad
I will make sure that your eyes sting
but if for no no no reason you make me happy
I will embrace your whole body
not letting even mirror see your reflection
I will cover you with white foam
I will embrace your whole body
making sure no one else can have you
I will cover you with me
you wont get rid of my scent
every day every day I will wait
I love this very moment
when I feel your touch
we will be another fantasy
when your wind blows
I will be the one blown away
washed away in your tears
your heart is perforating
I will become your aromas
goodbye obvious smell
good bye obvious love
keep only my fragrance
If you ever hurt me or make me sad
I will make sure that your eyes sting
but if for no no no reason you make me happy
I will embrace your whole body
not letting even mirror see your reflection
I will cover you with white foam
I will embrace your whole body
making sure no one else can have you
I will cover you with me
you wont get rid of my scent