hello buddy!
I just wanna give you support to do your work...
Take careee
hello buddy!
Here is some smart animals. What's your favorite?
Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are very closely related to human beings, so it makes sense that they would have the ability to manipulate their environment, use tools and work together as a group to accomplish tasks. Over 99 percent of the chimpanzee genetic code is identical to humans. While they may look very different, chimpanzees and humans are remarkably similar in terms of communication, social structure and the ability to learn. Chimpanzees and their new world ape relatives are some of the smartest animals on Earth.
Parrots: We all know "Polly, want a cracker," but parrots are much more intelligent than their typical repetition may suggest. Parrots are not only capable of repeating human phrases with accuracy, they are also capable of understanding the meaning of words and sentences and using the information contained in them to solve problems. Parrots and other birds have very small brains, but they use their brains in a different way than humans and are able to recall information and store memories from very early in their lives. It seems that repeating human words is only the first of many tricks parrots have up their sleeves.
Dogs: Man's best friend is also one of the smartest species of all time. Specific breeds, such as border collies, Labrador retrievers, poodles and German shepherds, are known for their intelligence. Many dog breeds have been intentionally bred to respond to human training, but others are just naturally inquisitive and curious about their surroundings, like Jack Russell terriers and some other smaller breeds. No matter how big or small, dogs are a huge part of our lives and will remain our closest companions for many years to come because of their intelligence.
Octopuses: Octopi are by far the smartest of all invertebrates. They are skilled hunters who use their ink to disorient their victims before killing them with their nimble tentacles. Octopi are incredibly resourceful, and those kept in captivity frequently break out of their aquariums and break into others in search of food. They also have been known to hitchhike onto fishing boats and break into their holds to eat the catch! And who could forget Paul, the World Cup octopus, who correctly predicted the winner of every match of the World Cup Finals by choosing between two boxes, each containing food and the logo of one of the two teams competing. Ultimately, their short lifespan limits their intelligence, but octopi are very intelligent and nimble problem solvers that have mastered their environment.
Rats: Rats get a bad wrap, so much so that we sometimes drastically underestimate just how smart these critters really are. Rats have been studied extensively in science, and in addition to surprising physical abilities, rats have been shown to be ingenious problem solvers with long memories. Maze tests have shown that rats have excellent long-term memory and the ability to adapt to changing situations. It's no wonder rats have survived for generations, and it's no surprise that they will continue to thrive for many years to come.
Elephants: Elephants are incredibly intelligent. They have incredibly large brains — even when compared to scale with human brains, the elephant brain dwarfs the brains of most other mammals. They use this brain to create some of the most complicated social structures in the animal kingdom. One indication of intelligence is altruism, or an animal's sacrifice for the good of the whole herd. Elephants are famous for their altruism in protecting their young, and this is only one of the many characteristics that make them amazingly intelligent. Elephants have been known to medicate themselves when sick by chewing the leaves of specific trees depending on their illness. They also bury their dead in a ritualistic way, the only other species on Earth to do so besides humans. Elephants are also very playful, which helps them to develop dexterity and special reasoning. Their nimble trunks can be used to manipulate tools, including paintbrushes, which elephants have been trained to use in creating remarkable pieces of art.
Cats: Most of us know cats as skilled hunters with incredible agility and amazing sensory ability. What many don't know is just how smart these animals really are. Cats are a learning species, capable of learning a variety of tasks through mimicry and trial and error. Cats can be toilet trained, taught to open doors and windows and have even been shown to teach themselves to use a can opener to open a can of cat food! Cats are incredible hunters, and, like their larger relatives, they are capable of working together to bring down prey and can establish social structures in times of need. These animals are truly remarkable — no wonder humans are so attached to our furry friends.
Bottlenose Dolphins: Dolphins are intriguing animals. In terms of body mass to brain ratio, dolphins have one of the largest brains in the animal kingdom. Research has indicated that dolphins are incredibly self-aware, which means that a dolphin can recognize itself in the mirror and may be interested in its surroundings in the same manner humans are. Dolphins have also been shown to have complicated social structures and advanced communication ability. New research has tried to bridge the communication gap between humans and dolphins by replicating the sounds dolphins use to communicate and translating them into questions. Remarkably, the dolphins have responded to these questions with an incredibly high accuracy level, reflecting their ability to think and deduce. Dolphins may be the most intelligent animals on Earth next to humans, but more research needs to be done to understand just how smart they really are.
Pigs: Pigs have a reputation as dirty animals. But that doesn't mean they are stupid. In reality, they are extremely intelligent. And for the record, they aren't particularly dirty, either. Research has shown that pigs may be as smart as a 3-year-old human child. There is even some indication that pigs dream and that mother pigs sing to their young as they nurse. Pigs lead complex social lives and often compete with one another to learn new skills, usually related to gathering food, as well as jumping and running. So, while pigs definitely have a somewhat negative reputation, we may need to give our big pink friends a little more respect, as they are proving to be smarter than we ever thought.
Horses: Horses and humans have always had a unique relationship. We have depended on their strength for generations, but one thing we haven't paid as much attention to until recently is how smart these animals are. Horses evolved as prey animals, but they are not merely instinctual runners. They developed incredibly complicated social structures in which leaders must be chosen and remembered, and often the leaders are not the strongest or fastest of the herd, but the most experienced and intelligent. This indicates that horses are capable of thinking and making decisions, which makes sense due to the unpredictable environment they live in. Not only are horses beautiful and strong, they are also extremely smart and important allies of humans.
Squirrels: These lovable little rascals may too often end up as road kill, but they are smarter than we normally give them credit. Not only do they typically live in complicated colonies and save excess food, but they also have exceptional memory and recognition abilities. The next time one of these little guys steals food from your birdfeeder, just remember that they are a lot more resourceful and intelligent than they often get credit for.
Raccoons: Raccoons are well known as mischievous and crafty animals, and this may be a glimpse into how intelligent these animals can be. Like other intelligent animals, raccoons develop miniature societies and have complicated relationships with others in their community. Unlike some other animals, raccoons have amazing hands and are more than capable of using tools and solving problems using their paws. Raccoons are tricky animals that should be recognized for their creativity and resourcefulness.
Crows: The crow is more than a jet-black bird we all recognize. Recent research has shown that crows are extremely intelligent and capable of solving complicated puzzles. Crows can use their beaks in incredible ways, and, when it comes to finding food, there may be no bird more resourceful and creative than a crow. One fascinating new discovery is the way in which crows interact. Crows have been seen playing tricks on one another, startling relatives and cawing in unique dialects only family members can recognize. They are also adept at using tools, a trademark characteristic of intelligence. We don't typically think of crows as smart, but clearly we need to change our perception of this interesting bird.
Pigeons: Sometimes referred to as flying rats, these birds, like their land dwelling "relatives," are very smart. Most people are aware that pigeons were used during war as messengers and prized for their ability to remember people and places for many years at a time. But pigeons can also multitask, dividing their attention between multiple stimuli at the same time in order to accomplish multiple tasks in a shorter period of time. This is a remarkable feat and one that few animals can duplicate. The next time you have the opportunity to feed the pigeons, just remember that they are much more than panhandling opportunists.
Orangutans: Orangutans are extremely smart animals. Some of their most impressive skills come from imitation of human actions. Orangutans have been taught to saw wood, use a hammer to nail structures together and even siphon liquids through a hose. But even more remarkable than the mere replication of human actions is the orangutan's ability to understand why we complete these actions and use them in the wild when they might be helpful. For example, an orangutan was taught how to build a simple protective structure using tools available in the wild. When released from captivity, the orangutan was observed building the same structure to get out of the rain. It's easy to see how these animals are so closely related to us.
Whales: Whales are huge, but are they as intelligent as they are massive? New research seems to indicate that they are. Perhaps the most striking area of whale intelligence is in their use of communication. The whale's use of complex sounds that can be heard for hundreds of miles indicates a species of incredible intelligence. Specific whale songs have been heard at specific points of the lunar cycle, and sometimes whales can sing a song which lasts an hour or more, only to have the song answered by another whale 300 miles away by repeating the exact same hour long song! Whales are very intelligent creatures and before we drive them to extinction we should recognize just how smart they can be.
Monkeys : We all know how nimble the monkey can be, but these animals may be much smarter than we previously thought. Recent insight into the social interactions of monkeys reveals a social structure that would make our own soap operas look predictable and boring. One such observation recalled how one monkey used "Machiavellian" tactics to take over a hoard of females and gain control of a large segment of the community, only to be ousted from power by a revolt from those he used to get to the top. That kind of scientific observation sounds more like a gangster movie than research into how monkeys interact, but in fact it may reveal how smart and cunning these animals can be in order to survive.
Sheep: Don't believe that sheep are intelligent? Think again. It's shown that sheep have one of the most powerful memories of any animals on Earth, and this memory goes much farther than the ability to recall. Sheep have been observed experiencing powerful emotional responses when shown images of long lost flock members. These emotional responses reveal that sheep not only recall images, but also understand and interpret them in a way that was once thought to be uniquely human. Perhaps our wooly friends deserve a bit more respect than we give them.
Falcons: Falcons are the stealthy hunters known for preying on animals as large as house cats with an incredibly fast and devastating attack. But is there more to the falcon than talons? The ancient practice of falconry may reveal the answer. For centuries humans have trained falcons to obey commands, retrieve prey and deliver messages. The incredible memory of the falcon has made it a very capable workhorse for humans, and falconry has continued well into the modern era. While many species of falcon are currently endangered, wildlife conservationists have gone out of their way to protect this beautiful bird, partly because we recognize just how smart and loyal it can be.
Owls: Owls have a long history beneath their wings. Ancient Greeks considered the nocturnal bird to be full of wisdom, but they later became known as harbingers of evil, death and bad luck in Africa and the Americas. Despite its mixed associations, most people generally associate owls with wisdom. These skilled and stealthy birds of prey hunt primarily on wing with their exceptional vision, keen senses and camouflaged bodies. Owls have an important role in the animal kingdom, as well as in human life by controlling the rodent population on properties in a natural form of pest control. These beautiful creatures have been the target for poachers and hunters for some time now, leading to serious conservation concerns for the animals. It's important to keep the owl population alive and well because we can learn a thing or two from these all-knowing creatures that guard the night.
Here is some smart animals. What's your favorite?
Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are very closely related to human beings, so it makes sense that they would have the ability to manipulate their environment, use tools and work together as a group to accomplish tasks. Over 99 percent of the chimpanzee genetic code is identical to humans. While they may look very different, chimpanzees and humans are remarkably similar in terms of communication, social structure and the ability to learn. Chimpanzees and their new world ape relatives are some of the smartest animals on Earth.
Parrots: We all know "Polly, want a cracker," but parrots are much more intelligent than their typical repetition may suggest. Parrots are not only capable of repeating human phrases with accuracy, they are also capable of understanding the meaning of words and sentences and using the information contained in them to solve problems. Parrots and other birds have very small brains, but they use their brains in a different way than humans and are able to recall information and store memories from very early in their lives. It seems that repeating human words is only the first of many tricks parrots have up their sleeves.
Dogs: Man's best friend is also one of the smartest species of all time. Specific breeds, such as border collies, Labrador retrievers, poodles and German shepherds, are known for their intelligence. Many dog breeds have been intentionally bred to respond to human training, but others are just naturally inquisitive and curious about their surroundings, like Jack Russell terriers and some other smaller breeds. No matter how big or small, dogs are a huge part of our lives and will remain our closest companions for many years to come because of their intelligence.
Octopuses: Octopi are by far the smartest of all invertebrates. They are skilled hunters who use their ink to disorient their victims before killing them with their nimble tentacles. Octopi are incredibly resourceful, and those kept in captivity frequently break out of their aquariums and break into others in search of food. They also have been known to hitchhike onto fishing boats and break into their holds to eat the catch! And who could forget Paul, the World Cup octopus, who correctly predicted the winner of every match of the World Cup Finals by choosing between two boxes, each containing food and the logo of one of the two teams competing. Ultimately, their short lifespan limits their intelligence, but octopi are very intelligent and nimble problem solvers that have mastered their environment.
Rats: Rats get a bad wrap, so much so that we sometimes drastically underestimate just how smart these critters really are. Rats have been studied extensively in science, and in addition to surprising physical abilities, rats have been shown to be ingenious problem solvers with long memories. Maze tests have shown that rats have excellent long-term memory and the ability to adapt to changing situations. It's no wonder rats have survived for generations, and it's no surprise that they will continue to thrive for many years to come.
Elephants: Elephants are incredibly intelligent. They have incredibly large brains — even when compared to scale with human brains, the elephant brain dwarfs the brains of most other mammals. They use this brain to create some of the most complicated social structures in the animal kingdom. One indication of intelligence is altruism, or an animal's sacrifice for the good of the whole herd. Elephants are famous for their altruism in protecting their young, and this is only one of the many characteristics that make them amazingly intelligent. Elephants have been known to medicate themselves when sick by chewing the leaves of specific trees depending on their illness. They also bury their dead in a ritualistic way, the only other species on Earth to do so besides humans. Elephants are also very playful, which helps them to develop dexterity and special reasoning. Their nimble trunks can be used to manipulate tools, including paintbrushes, which elephants have been trained to use in creating remarkable pieces of art.
Cats: Most of us know cats as skilled hunters with incredible agility and amazing sensory ability. What many don't know is just how smart these animals really are. Cats are a learning species, capable of learning a variety of tasks through mimicry and trial and error. Cats can be toilet trained, taught to open doors and windows and have even been shown to teach themselves to use a can opener to open a can of cat food! Cats are incredible hunters, and, like their larger relatives, they are capable of working together to bring down prey and can establish social structures in times of need. These animals are truly remarkable — no wonder humans are so attached to our furry friends.
Bottlenose Dolphins: Dolphins are intriguing animals. In terms of body mass to brain ratio, dolphins have one of the largest brains in the animal kingdom. Research has indicated that dolphins are incredibly self-aware, which means that a dolphin can recognize itself in the mirror and may be interested in its surroundings in the same manner humans are. Dolphins have also been shown to have complicated social structures and advanced communication ability. New research has tried to bridge the communication gap between humans and dolphins by replicating the sounds dolphins use to communicate and translating them into questions. Remarkably, the dolphins have responded to these questions with an incredibly high accuracy level, reflecting their ability to think and deduce. Dolphins may be the most intelligent animals on Earth next to humans, but more research needs to be done to understand just how smart they really are.
Pigs: Pigs have a reputation as dirty animals. But that doesn't mean they are stupid. In reality, they are extremely intelligent. And for the record, they aren't particularly dirty, either. Research has shown that pigs may be as smart as a 3-year-old human child. There is even some indication that pigs dream and that mother pigs sing to their young as they nurse. Pigs lead complex social lives and often compete with one another to learn new skills, usually related to gathering food, as well as jumping and running. So, while pigs definitely have a somewhat negative reputation, we may need to give our big pink friends a little more respect, as they are proving to be smarter than we ever thought.
Horses: Horses and humans have always had a unique relationship. We have depended on their strength for generations, but one thing we haven't paid as much attention to until recently is how smart these animals are. Horses evolved as prey animals, but they are not merely instinctual runners. They developed incredibly complicated social structures in which leaders must be chosen and remembered, and often the leaders are not the strongest or fastest of the herd, but the most experienced and intelligent. This indicates that horses are capable of thinking and making decisions, which makes sense due to the unpredictable environment they live in. Not only are horses beautiful and strong, they are also extremely smart and important allies of humans.
Squirrels: These lovable little rascals may too often end up as road kill, but they are smarter than we normally give them credit. Not only do they typically live in complicated colonies and save excess food, but they also have exceptional memory and recognition abilities. The next time one of these little guys steals food from your birdfeeder, just remember that they are a lot more resourceful and intelligent than they often get credit for.
Raccoons: Raccoons are well known as mischievous and crafty animals, and this may be a glimpse into how intelligent these animals can be. Like other intelligent animals, raccoons develop miniature societies and have complicated relationships with others in their community. Unlike some other animals, raccoons have amazing hands and are more than capable of using tools and solving problems using their paws. Raccoons are tricky animals that should be recognized for their creativity and resourcefulness.
Crows: The crow is more than a jet-black bird we all recognize. Recent research has shown that crows are extremely intelligent and capable of solving complicated puzzles. Crows can use their beaks in incredible ways, and, when it comes to finding food, there may be no bird more resourceful and creative than a crow. One fascinating new discovery is the way in which crows interact. Crows have been seen playing tricks on one another, startling relatives and cawing in unique dialects only family members can recognize. They are also adept at using tools, a trademark characteristic of intelligence. We don't typically think of crows as smart, but clearly we need to change our perception of this interesting bird.
Pigeons: Sometimes referred to as flying rats, these birds, like their land dwelling "relatives," are very smart. Most people are aware that pigeons were used during war as messengers and prized for their ability to remember people and places for many years at a time. But pigeons can also multitask, dividing their attention between multiple stimuli at the same time in order to accomplish multiple tasks in a shorter period of time. This is a remarkable feat and one that few animals can duplicate. The next time you have the opportunity to feed the pigeons, just remember that they are much more than panhandling opportunists.
Orangutans: Orangutans are extremely smart animals. Some of their most impressive skills come from imitation of human actions. Orangutans have been taught to saw wood, use a hammer to nail structures together and even siphon liquids through a hose. But even more remarkable than the mere replication of human actions is the orangutan's ability to understand why we complete these actions and use them in the wild when they might be helpful. For example, an orangutan was taught how to build a simple protective structure using tools available in the wild. When released from captivity, the orangutan was observed building the same structure to get out of the rain. It's easy to see how these animals are so closely related to us.
Whales: Whales are huge, but are they as intelligent as they are massive? New research seems to indicate that they are. Perhaps the most striking area of whale intelligence is in their use of communication. The whale's use of complex sounds that can be heard for hundreds of miles indicates a species of incredible intelligence. Specific whale songs have been heard at specific points of the lunar cycle, and sometimes whales can sing a song which lasts an hour or more, only to have the song answered by another whale 300 miles away by repeating the exact same hour long song! Whales are very intelligent creatures and before we drive them to extinction we should recognize just how smart they can be.
Monkeys : We all know how nimble the monkey can be, but these animals may be much smarter than we previously thought. Recent insight into the social interactions of monkeys reveals a social structure that would make our own soap operas look predictable and boring. One such observation recalled how one monkey used "Machiavellian" tactics to take over a hoard of females and gain control of a large segment of the community, only to be ousted from power by a revolt from those he used to get to the top. That kind of scientific observation sounds more like a gangster movie than research into how monkeys interact, but in fact it may reveal how smart and cunning these animals can be in order to survive.
Sheep: Don't believe that sheep are intelligent? Think again. It's shown that sheep have one of the most powerful memories of any animals on Earth, and this memory goes much farther than the ability to recall. Sheep have been observed experiencing powerful emotional responses when shown images of long lost flock members. These emotional responses reveal that sheep not only recall images, but also understand and interpret them in a way that was once thought to be uniquely human. Perhaps our wooly friends deserve a bit more respect than we give them.
Falcons: Falcons are the stealthy hunters known for preying on animals as large as house cats with an incredibly fast and devastating attack. But is there more to the falcon than talons? The ancient practice of falconry may reveal the answer. For centuries humans have trained falcons to obey commands, retrieve prey and deliver messages. The incredible memory of the falcon has made it a very capable workhorse for humans, and falconry has continued well into the modern era. While many species of falcon are currently endangered, wildlife conservationists have gone out of their way to protect this beautiful bird, partly because we recognize just how smart and loyal it can be.
Owls: Owls have a long history beneath their wings. Ancient Greeks considered the nocturnal bird to be full of wisdom, but they later became known as harbingers of evil, death and bad luck in Africa and the Americas. Despite its mixed associations, most people generally associate owls with wisdom. These skilled and stealthy birds of prey hunt primarily on wing with their exceptional vision, keen senses and camouflaged bodies. Owls have an important role in the animal kingdom, as well as in human life by controlling the rodent population on properties in a natural form of pest control. These beautiful creatures have been the target for poachers and hunters for some time now, leading to serious conservation concerns for the animals. It's important to keep the owl population alive and well because we can learn a thing or two from these all-knowing creatures that guard the night.
With some friends doing discussion
hello buddy!
I just want post abit...
Last 29th of July, I met some friends for discussing homework.
We have a homework in language, Bahasa Indonesia exactly.
So, few days ago, we had a discussion. But, it's not totally studying time. Because, some of my friends made it become a time for online. They played twitter that time. But, it's a good time with friends...
So, here is some photos of us in KFC:
I just want post abit...
Last 29th of July, I met some friends for discussing homework.
We have a homework in language, Bahasa Indonesia exactly.
So, few days ago, we had a discussion. But, it's not totally studying time. Because, some of my friends made it become a time for online. They played twitter that time. But, it's a good time with friends...
So, here is some photos of us in KFC:
hello buddy!
How are you all? I am myself here in good condition. Sorry, I left this blog again in a long time. Why I did not write in holiday time? Oh, well buddy, I'll explain. So when holiday in June / July, I was not at home. I stayed in my uncle's house, because my parents went with my lit brother to accompany my big sist to Java, she will be in college, I mean university soon. So long in the uncle's house, I did not have a chance to write there. Then after school, I was busy again with lessons at school. Oops, homework that given by my teachers was very much. Discussion, discussions, discussions that would eventually percentation, percentation, percentation. Yes, indeed. And chemical homework which is always full. Wow ... let's study hard! Haha. Right, I have to work and study hard. I do not have time to play again. I am in grade 12, and soon will face many tests including SNMPTN (Test Selection to Government University. So, if you really want to succeed, then must start from now. Pray for me ya buddy, hopefully I keep studying hard, enter the Government University with a major that I want. Amen ... Thank you buddy. Anyway, buddy ... I have many things to tell too ... always ... I'll try to write it here. For now bye ... Take care buddy!
How are you all? I am myself here in good condition. Sorry, I left this blog again in a long time. Why I did not write in holiday time? Oh, well buddy, I'll explain. So when holiday in June / July, I was not at home. I stayed in my uncle's house, because my parents went with my lit brother to accompany my big sist to Java, she will be in college, I mean university soon. So long in the uncle's house, I did not have a chance to write there. Then after school, I was busy again with lessons at school. Oops, homework that given by my teachers was very much. Discussion, discussions, discussions that would eventually percentation, percentation, percentation. Yes, indeed. And chemical homework which is always full. Wow ... let's study hard! Haha. Right, I have to work and study hard. I do not have time to play again. I am in grade 12, and soon will face many tests including SNMPTN (Test Selection to Government University. So, if you really want to succeed, then must start from now. Pray for me ya buddy, hopefully I keep studying hard, enter the Government University with a major that I want. Amen ... Thank you buddy. Anyway, buddy ... I have many things to tell too ... always ... I'll try to write it here. For now bye ... Take care buddy!
Friday, June 24, 2011
That's what I called -sisters-
hello buddy!
How are you?
Today, I wanna share a bit experience of mine. This's happnening a few months ago. But I just remembered it and yep, Im writing it right here.
This happened when I was on the way backed home by bus. So, absolutely this happened in a bus.
Well, here is the story goes!
It was afternoon and I was on the bus otw home from my course. In the crossroad, two little girls stopped this bus and got into and then took their seats. They were about 10 and 11 years old. The older of them was holding an ice cream in her right hand. I thought I knew these girls, but where...???. Ahh, I didn't remember. Maybe they lived near my home or whatever. I never went out of my home. I mean I pretty seldom socialized with my neighbours, because I was too busy in schooling and coursing. Well, after about 20 mins, this bus almost reached my home and maybe these two girls also.
"give the fare, sist!", asked the older.
"here it is!", said the younger. Then threw money to her big sister.
Then the older got it but she was too busy with her icecream.
Afew minutes ago,
The younger said, "sist, where is our fare?"
The older replied, ''this... Oh... Where is the other Rp.1000?"
The younger said, "I gave Rp.2000 to u. I gave it to u. You made it lost!!"
Then older talked calmly, "sist, please check you bag again!"
The younger shouted, "I have gave it to you!! Where did you put it?? Where did you put it??"
The older felt bad, "I hold it in my hand. Where is the other? Why just Rp.1000 in my hand?"
The younger shouted a bit louder, "I gave to you. I gave it. It's all your fault!!! You were busy with you icecream"
The older felt so guilty with her nervous face but still cute, she looked for their money under their seats, right... Left...
While the older was looking for it, the younger was whining and seemed so nervous said, "where is sist? Where is it? I gave to u. Sist, you got it sist. How is this, sist?"
All passengers seemed didnt care about it. They just pretended that nothing's happening. I myselft sat near those girls. So, I could see what exatcly happened and noticed it.
You know, buddies? What I dont get here is how could those people pretended everything was quite. Hmmm...
The younger girl complained alot to her sis, "how then, sist? What will we do?"
and I don't know why but she was too cute that time. She complained alot made her looked so sweet. Just like this, "kak, mana uangnya? Gimana ini kak? Kakaknya. Kakaknya. Dimana kakak buat?"
What made that words sounded sweet is the way she complained, but she still called her sister "sist". LoL. I think it's so good to hear it. I mean if I myself fought with my big sister. I won't call her "sist" again that time. Or if I made a mistake, she won't call me "sist" in that day. But these two girls.... Just soo woww, really... :)
I took pity and got salute with them. Then I asked them.
"what's going on, dear?"
"We lost our money, sist," the older answered.
"you don't have any again?" I asked.
"no, sist," the older the older answered again.
"well, I'll pay your fare." I said.
"really sist?" asked the older said.
"yes, really." I said clearly.
"thank you, sist. Thank you." she thanked me.
"ahah, you're welcome." I smiled.
So that's the story!
I think that's so interesting. Like I said above, it showed how close that two lovely sisters. They still care each other though the older had made something wrong mistakenly. Awww, so pleased to meet them both. If every sisters in the world like this, then this world will be so lovely...
Well buddies, until here my writings. I hope we can learn something from this. Always keep spirit!
Egritha Tampubolon
How are you?
Today, I wanna share a bit experience of mine. This's happnening a few months ago. But I just remembered it and yep, Im writing it right here.
This happened when I was on the way backed home by bus. So, absolutely this happened in a bus.
Well, here is the story goes!
It was afternoon and I was on the bus otw home from my course. In the crossroad, two little girls stopped this bus and got into and then took their seats. They were about 10 and 11 years old. The older of them was holding an ice cream in her right hand. I thought I knew these girls, but where...???. Ahh, I didn't remember. Maybe they lived near my home or whatever. I never went out of my home. I mean I pretty seldom socialized with my neighbours, because I was too busy in schooling and coursing. Well, after about 20 mins, this bus almost reached my home and maybe these two girls also.
"give the fare, sist!", asked the older.
"here it is!", said the younger. Then threw money to her big sister.
Then the older got it but she was too busy with her icecream.
Afew minutes ago,
The younger said, "sist, where is our fare?"
The older replied, ''this... Oh... Where is the other Rp.1000?"
The younger said, "I gave Rp.2000 to u. I gave it to u. You made it lost!!"
Then older talked calmly, "sist, please check you bag again!"
The younger shouted, "I have gave it to you!! Where did you put it?? Where did you put it??"
The older felt bad, "I hold it in my hand. Where is the other? Why just Rp.1000 in my hand?"
The younger shouted a bit louder, "I gave to you. I gave it. It's all your fault!!! You were busy with you icecream"
The older felt so guilty with her nervous face but still cute, she looked for their money under their seats, right... Left...
While the older was looking for it, the younger was whining and seemed so nervous said, "where is sist? Where is it? I gave to u. Sist, you got it sist. How is this, sist?"
All passengers seemed didnt care about it. They just pretended that nothing's happening. I myselft sat near those girls. So, I could see what exatcly happened and noticed it.
You know, buddies? What I dont get here is how could those people pretended everything was quite. Hmmm...
The younger girl complained alot to her sis, "how then, sist? What will we do?"
and I don't know why but she was too cute that time. She complained alot made her looked so sweet. Just like this, "kak, mana uangnya? Gimana ini kak? Kakaknya. Kakaknya. Dimana kakak buat?"
What made that words sounded sweet is the way she complained, but she still called her sister "sist". LoL. I think it's so good to hear it. I mean if I myself fought with my big sister. I won't call her "sist" again that time. Or if I made a mistake, she won't call me "sist" in that day. But these two girls.... Just soo woww, really... :)
I took pity and got salute with them. Then I asked them.
"what's going on, dear?"
"We lost our money, sist," the older answered.
"you don't have any again?" I asked.
"no, sist," the older the older answered again.
"well, I'll pay your fare." I said.
"really sist?" asked the older said.
"yes, really." I said clearly.
"thank you, sist. Thank you." she thanked me.
"ahah, you're welcome." I smiled.
So that's the story!
I think that's so interesting. Like I said above, it showed how close that two lovely sisters. They still care each other though the older had made something wrong mistakenly. Awww, so pleased to meet them both. If every sisters in the world like this, then this world will be so lovely...
Well buddies, until here my writings. I hope we can learn something from this. Always keep spirit!
Egritha Tampubolon
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
5 motivational songs according to me :)
hello buddy!
Today, I wanna tell you all five motivational and inspirational songs of my favorites. Well, actually those are David Archuleta's song. But, I didn't choose that because I'm an Arch Angel or I love David Archuleta so freaking bad. Okay, okay... maybe yes! It's because I love this awesome singer but the first reason I choose these songs as motivational songs because its lyrics are really amazing and I believe when you listen for these songs, you will feel so relax, then motivated and inspirated.
So, pals here is the songs. Check this out ---->
Yeah, Yeah,
Everybody’s got a time in their life
When everything hurts and nothing’s right
But you gotta walk on
Yeah, you gotta walk on
Everybody’s got a piece of their heart
That’s been stepped on and torn apart
But you gotta be strong
Yeah, you gotta walk on
‘Cause I know it’s hard to have the strength
And sometimes you can’t get through the day
But things just float on by like a river in the night
But I know things are gonna get better
And I know things are gonna be fine
And I know life is gonna get better
Standing here together
Yeah, we’re gonna be fine
Everybody’s got that one regret
No matter how they try, they can’t forget
But you gotta move on
Yeah, you gotta move on
Everybody’s got someone they’ve lost
And they can’t believe they’re really gone
But you gotta live on
Yeah, you gotta live on
‘Cause I know it’s hard to have the strength
And sometimes all you feel is pain
But time keeps floating by on that river in the night
But I know things are gonna get better
I know things are gonna be fine
And I know life is gonna get better
Standing here together
Yeah, we’re gonna be fine
And I’ve been shown hope
I see it in your eyes
So take me and touch me
‘Cause with a little bit of love
We can win the fight
With a little bit of love
We can see the light
With a little bit of love
It’ll be all right
I know things are gonna get better
And I know things are gonna be fine
And I know life is gonna get better
Standing here together
Yeah, we’re gonna be fine
Walk, walk, walk on by
Keep, keep, keep walking on
Keep, keep, keep walking on
Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, (Down, Down)
Here I am with all these questions hanging from my ceiling low
One by one they all keep telling me I told you so
Everywhere I turn I see red lights flashing over my head
Oh no, oh no, oh no
In a whirl-wind spinning, yeah somehow it knocked me off my feet
But I know better than to let it get the best of me,
I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on
So I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-oh-ow-own
(Down, Down, Down-ah-own)
In the sky, I'm standing under all I see is endless rain
I think I spot a silver lining hiding in the gray
I might get tossed around, but I'm always bouncing back
Oh, oh, oh
I could give up, I could stay stuck, or I could move on,
So I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Down-own, Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
On the other side of down
It keeps calling me
Where I wanna be
On the other side of down
It keeps calling me
Where I wanna be
Where I wanna be
Ohhh, I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Down-own, Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Ohh, Down, Down
Whoa, Whoa
Ohh, Down, Down
The other side of down, down
Other side of down-ah-uh-own
Ohh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Here I am with all these questions hanging from my ceiling low
One by one they all keep telling me I told you so
Everywhere I turn I see red lights flashing over my head
Oh no, oh no, oh no
In a whirl-wind spinning, yeah somehow it knocked me off my feet
But I know better than to let it get the best of me,
I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on
So I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-oh-ow-own
(Down, Down, Down-ah-own)
In the sky, I'm standing under all I see is endless rain
I think I spot a silver lining hiding in the gray
I might get tossed around, but I'm always bouncing back
Oh, oh, oh
I could give up, I could stay stuck, or I could move on,
So I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Down-own, Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
On the other side of down
It keeps calling me
Where I wanna be
On the other side of down
It keeps calling me
Where I wanna be
Where I wanna be
Ohhh, I put one foot front of the other,
No, no, no, nothing's gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down-own
Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Down-own, Down-own, Down-whoa-ah-ow-own
Ohh, Down, Down
Whoa, Whoa
Ohh, Down, Down
The other side of down, down
Other side of down-ah-uh-own
Ohh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Every night it’s all the same
You’re frozen by the phone
You wait, something’s changed
You blame yourself every day
You’d do it again
Every night
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
You’re frozen by the phone
You wait, something’s changed
You blame yourself every day
You’d do it again
Every night
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
When you were young
Scared of the night
Waiting for love to come along
And make it right
Your day will come, the past is gone
So take your time
And live and let live
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
Don’t fight
Don’t hide
Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)
Let em’ shine tonight
Let em’ shine tonight
Hang on
Hang in
For the ride of your life
It’s gonna be alright
Hold on tight
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees (to your knees)
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
Whoa oh oh oh..
Set’s you free
There’s something bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
When you were young
Scared of the night
Waiting for love to come along
And make it right
Your day will come, the past is gone
So take your time
And live and let live
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
Don’t fight
Don’t hide
Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)
Let em’ shine tonight
Let em’ shine tonight
Hang on
Hang in
For the ride of your life
It’s gonna be alright
Hold on tight
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees (to your knees)
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love
Whoa oh oh oh..
Set’s you free
There’s something bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
Keep on running
And you'll never get to feel the moment
It's like you're sleeping
'Cause you don't take the time to take it in
Like a train wreck, you're on a mission
Tunnel vision got you blinded
Better slow down before you lose ground
It will happen anyway
Paint it over if your world is gray
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Shut the window tight
But it's raining on the inside
Do you realize you're getting nowhere
That it's all laid out for you?
Cut the ribbon if it starts to fray
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
You found a loop hole that you fell in
Now you're treading water
You gotta see the hand
For it to pull you out
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
And you'll never get to feel the moment
It's like you're sleeping
'Cause you don't take the time to take it in
Like a train wreck, you're on a mission
Tunnel vision got you blinded
Better slow down before you lose ground
It will happen anyway
Paint it over if your world is gray
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Shut the window tight
But it's raining on the inside
Do you realize you're getting nowhere
That it's all laid out for you?
Cut the ribbon if it starts to fray
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
You found a loop hole that you fell in
Now you're treading water
You gotta see the hand
For it to pull you out
When you close your eyes to see the view
You'll miss everything surrounding you
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
You can build your life right on air
What you need will always be there
Stop and just look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around
Get up and look around you
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
Oh, oh, oh, look around, look around
I don’t know what I’m doing here
How I landed in this space
But it’s a good place
How I landed in this space
But it’s a good place
And I don’t wanna mess it up
Make mistakes or say too much
‘Cause it’s a good place
Make mistakes or say too much
‘Cause it’s a good place
You find it
You hold it
You feel its grace
You hold it
You feel its grace
These are words I wanna say
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late (I hope it’s not too late)
I hope it’s not too late
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late (I hope it’s not too late)
I hope it’s not too late
I’ve been silent up to now
I’ve been going with the flow
Wherever that goes
I’ve been going with the flow
Wherever that goes
But something’s screaming down inside
Makes me want to close my eyes
And hear the echo
Makes me want to close my eyes
And hear the echo
You find it
You know it
Don’t make it wait
You know it
Don’t make it wait
These are words I wanna say
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late
‘Cause I don’t wanna waste another summer
I don’t wanna wait until I fall
I could be a memory tomorrow
I could be nothing at all
I don’t wanna wait until I fall
I could be a memory tomorrow
I could be nothing at all
I don’t know what I’m doing here
How I landed in this space
But it’s a good place
How I landed in this space
But it’s a good place
These are words I wanna say
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late
Every hour of every day
These are words that say how good it feels
To be here with you today
I hope it’s not too late
Oh, yeah
I hope it’s not too late
I hope it’s not too late
Well, buddy! You can download that song and I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks and always keep spirit!
Egritha Tampubolon
Sunday, June 12, 2011
YOUR plan, not mine
hello buddy!
Today let us reflect. We are as human beings who have the Almighty Lord, do not rarely pray for something we want, something good happens to us, or pray that our dreams can be fulfilled. In essence, we must pray about all that is good and we expect to become a reality. Why do we only pray for our dreams which are good? And what about the plight that might happen?
In fact, we often beg and implor, "Lord, please ... make it real my God," "God ... this is my request from my deepest heart", "God ... please make this happen."
Let us read the story below.
Someone who always prays…
* At School Graduation
"God, please make me this time become a class champion. I've been studying diligently, I had worked and prayed diligently. Please O Lord, make me become the pride of all people. "
(GOD accepted)
* At the University Test Selection
"God, maybe this is the most request from my deepest heart. Please God, let me enter the university. I don’t want to re-learn again in for next year. God certainly, You don’t want your child be so grieving and mocked by others, right? God, I'm really asking that my name will be written on the list of students who qualfied. "
(GOD accepted)
* In a Job Test
"Yes, my Lord, God You already known my sacrifice for this. I fought from the bottom. Now, show my God that I can get this job or all will just become a vain. Yes, God I believe God will grant my prayer. "
(GOD accepted)
* As of the promotion to be Director
"This time theGod, don’t make me disappointed. I have to be a director. I beg, yes, Lord! I really hope this time. In this way, I promise will be more diligent in prayer. "
(GOD accepted)
Buddy, the story above, it was a perfect life for a man. Truly, he was a very very lucky because everything he requested had become a reality.
But, Have we forgotten about life in this world which full of joy and sorrow? Have we forgotten that life in this world like a wheel which is sometimes above and sometimes be under? That is, we certainly will not always be in good condition, happy and blissful. Sometimes, things get worse, sad and grieving. And oddly enough, we are more often just pray for all the good dreams come true? Let's think, if God always grant our good dream, then what about the dreams of others?
If God always grant our wishes as the story above. Then, when the Lord will grant the wishes of others? Can you bear to laugh happily after got the 1st rank, entered the best university, got a great job and became a director, while others is in despair because of his hope to get one of his dreams now have been destroyed?
Do we have a heart for it?
I believe that human beings who have a good character can not bear that circumstances. And I believe all who read this writing of mine is people with a conscience. So, we'll think about what other people feel.
Let us have an introspection, all this time we ask too much for what we want to be accomplished. In fact, behind that all God already has a plan for each of us. However, we are even more frequently emphasize that our plans have to happen. But, The Lord has set a beautiful project for us. God always knows what is the best for us.
So Buddy, do not always ask for our plans become true. But ask Him to bless you sincerely with pleased for the plan that he will give to you.
Oh yes, Buddy, yesterday I just read a story which took by a friend of mine from a website.
This is the story about, a little boy who trained hard eventually became a champion race car. Then he was asked by a jury, "You must have prayed to God so that you can beat your friends, right?"
Then, The Champion said, "It's true I prayed to God. But, I didn’t pray to beat my friends. I do not want my friends lose. I just pray that God strengthen me, so that I won’t cry when I lose . "
The story above shows the magnitude of conscience and a real belief of the little child. He has already trained so hard and he even did not ask for a good achievement for his hard worked. He only prayed that when he defeated, God give him strength not to cry. From here, we can know the little boy handed his win or lose to God.
Buddy, let's learn from the child. Let's surrender everything to God. Keep believing that God's design is a beautiful design. Therefore, let's whisper in your little soft heart, "Your Plan God, not mine.”
All right, Buddy! That is a lesson for today! Keep spirit of living life!
Egritha Tampubolon
I'm Back
hello buddy!
Anyway,I failed to win championships in every game {Oh, no ... not .. Who said I fail? I didn’t}. Well, God said that it was not a right time for me to shine because it was still night {ha ha, now do you think I’m a sun? Shine here means to be a winner}. There are another time which the Lord has set in for an Egritha who will shine brightly.
A few weeks after the Olympics finished, I had to take the examination which was held at the school {Oh, mercy!}. Exams went well. Please pray yeah buddy ... hopefully the results are also satisfactory {Amen!}.
Now I don’t have other activities. Therefore, I will write regularly to fill empty time {yuhuuu! Smile!}. I'll pour some of the contents in my mind here{all these writings are written from my own experience, knowledge, and anything that happened in my life}. Therefore, don’t be careless and tired to read my writing yeah! Keep spirit! {Come on, smile now!!}
Egritha Tampubolon
How are you? Long time no see. Sorry, after so long I left this beloved blog. Yesterday, I was very busy with schooling. I joined the Biology Olympiad and some other games in Beijing {kidding! Not in Beijing, only in the State of pride, Indonesia}. So, yes.. I was just concentrating on my subject {um ... um}. A lot of experiences about ups and downs I felt at that moment. Well, just make it as a lesson and good memories ... haha.
A few weeks after the Olympics finished, I had to take the examination which was held at the school {Oh, mercy!}. Exams went well. Please pray yeah buddy ... hopefully the results are also satisfactory {Amen!}.
Now I don’t have other activities. Therefore, I will write regularly to fill empty time {yuhuuu! Smile!}. I'll pour some of the contents in my mind here{all these writings are written from my own experience, knowledge, and anything that happened in my life}. Therefore, don’t be careless and tired to read my writing yeah! Keep spirit! {Come on, smile now!!}
Egritha Tampubolon
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sculptor's Attitude
I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.
Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.
Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.
Today I can mourn my lack of friend or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.
Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provide shelter for my mind, body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have!
Have a GREAT DAY……unless you have other plans.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Forget about the days when it's been cloudy,
but don't forget your hours in the sun...
Forget about he times you've been defeated,
but don't forget the victories you have won...
Forget about the mistakes that you cant change now,
but don't forget the lesson that you have learned...
Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered,
but don't forget the times you luck has turned...
Forget about someone who broke your heart yesterday,
but don't forget someone who loves you tenderly today...
but don't forget your hours in the sun...
Forget about he times you've been defeated,
but don't forget the victories you have won...
Forget about the mistakes that you cant change now,
but don't forget the lesson that you have learned...
Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered,
but don't forget the times you luck has turned...
Forget about someone who broke your heart yesterday,
but don't forget someone who loves you tenderly today...
Keep Fighting!!!
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